How To improve The Work Efficiency of Peanut Peeling Machine

Posted by cara
How to improve the work efficiency of peanut peeling machine?
In recent years, with the rapid and steady development of the world economy and the demand for peanut skinning machines by the world's agricultural development, the development of the skin peeling machine market is very wide, especially the skinning machine. How to improve the working efficiency of peanut skinning machine?
① choice of materials is the key. In the choice of materials, pay attention to the hardness of the material. The tougher the material is, the more difficult it is to peel and the more severe the wear on the equipment. Peeling slow, natural peeling ability is small.
② The humidity of the material is the key, that is, when the water contained in the material is large, the material is easy to adhere in the peeling machine and is also easily clogged in the feeding process, resulting in the reduction of the peeling capacity. Therefore, before stripping should try to find ways to reduce the water content in order to facilitate peeling machine work.
 '¢ skin peeling material after the high degree of fineness, which requires thinning out of the material, the smaller the skinning ability. And the composition of skinning materials, peeling material contained in the more affected the more peeled skin, because these fine powders easily affect the delivery of adhesion. For more content of the powder should be screened in advance.
Peanut peeling machine for peanut peeling efficiency is very important, if you need peanut peeling machine, please feel free to contact me.

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