The Benefits Of Eating peanuts,you know?

Posted by cara
The benefits of eating peanuts, you know? Peanut alias: peanuts, long fruit, groundnut, nuts originating in Brazil, Peru, it is also known as beans.
一, the effect of attending:
Wiping spleen and stomach, lungs and phlegm, nourishing gas, Qingyan cough. Indications malnutrition, eat less frail, dry cough sputum, hemoptysis, skin purpura, athlete's foot and other illnesses.
二, the role of diet: 
1. Promote the growth and development of the human body peanut calcium content is very high, calcium is the main component of human bones, so eat more peanuts, can promote the body's growth and development. 2. Promote cell development, improve the intelligence of peanut protein contains more than 10 kinds of amino acids required by the human body, which lysine can improve the intelligence of children, glutamic acid and aspartic acid can promote cell development and enhance the memory of the brain. 3. Anti-aging, anti-premature senescence of caffeine contained in the human body has a strong anti-aging effect, lysine is also an important component to prevent premature aging. Often eat peanuts, beneficial to the body to delay aging, so peanuts have "longevity fruit," said.

If you have a lot of peanuts need to be processed,we can provide peanut peeling machine,peanut roasting machine,peanut butter grinding machine and other peanut processing machine,contact me or you can leave a message on our website,we will send the machine detail and quotation to you.

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